San José Airport to Puerto Viejo Limón

Distance: 232 Km (144 miles)

Travel time: 4.5 hours


For 5 person


Braulio Carrillo National Park
Huge Rainforest landscapes
Banana Plantations near the Caribbean Coast
Puerto Viejo Limon, our southern Caribbean, you can enjoy the beautiful beaches, contact with true nature, tranquility, peace and its scenic beauty in conjunction with the views of wild animals.
One hour of stops on the way, taxes, fuel, insurance, parking, road tolls and all other expenses.

Rates are from 1 up to 5 people total per trip one way NOT per person. IN Minivans Toyota Hiace, Hyundai H1. 

Extra passenger $ 10 additional

If you are ready to reserve you can pay us 50% to reserve your trip or tours you can pay in full for the confirmation of your reservation. by paypal safe sistem.

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